British Gin Exports Have Risen 166% by Value Since 2000

British gin accounts for a quarter of all UK spirits exported to the USA, according to figures released by Wine and Spirit Trade Association. In total the UK exports £4.9 billion worth of spirits globally – £1 billion of which is sold to the USA. Although whisky represents the lion’s share of UK spirits exports, British gin now accounts for 11% of all UK spirit exports as sales abroad continue to grow at an unquenchable rate.
The Wine and Spirit Trade Annual Association’s Spirits Report reveals that, on the back of consistent growth in domestic sales, the value of British gin exports to the USA has risen by a staggering 553% in the last decade. And it is not just the Americans who are clamouring for the quintessentially British spirit. Canada, Spain and Germany are shipping it in by the container load.
Around a third by volume, 33%, and value, 35%, of all UK spirit exports to Spain are gin. Gin also makes up 31% of exports to Canada and nearly a fifth of spirits exports to Germany by volume.
Gin exports globally have risen 44% by volume and 46% by value since 2010. Gin exports have also risen an impressive166% by value since 2000.
Miles Beale, Chief Executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, comments: “The exporting of British gin is increasingly important to UK exports. Where others are experiencing a dip in trade, gin continues to increase in sales year on year. More and more markets are opening up as the global phenomenon that is British gin spreads.Post Brexit we need to ensure that the flow of gin and other British spirits is not disrupted.”
He adds: “Britain is by far the biggest exporter of spirits in the world and it is therefore essential for our economy that we secure free trade deals – including more and better ones beyond the EU. The UK Government can also help British Gin and our other spirit drinks remain competitive by lowering excise duty, which is currently the 4th highest in the EU.”
Closer to home, the value of gin in the domestic market in both the on and off trade has grown considerably in the last year – up 21% and 12% respectively. Last month the total amount of gin sold in the UK broke the £1 billion barrier for the first time.
This rapid growth in popularity is being mirrored in export markets, where gin is helping to boost overall spirits exports while other British export industries are stagnating or declining.