Carlsberg Confirms Strong Performance on Environment, Health & Safety

Carlsberg Group has launched its 2013 CSR report. 2013 has been a year of consolidating high performance and building behaviour and culture among the 40.000 employees across the group.
Highlights of 2013 include:
Rethinking the concept of packaging: Carlsberg Circular Community was launched together with six global partners. This is a collaborative initiative with the aim of creating packaging that is optimised for reuse and recycling, using the Cradle to Cradle Design Framework®.
Focusing on environmental efficiency: 2013 energy consumption came to 28.0 kWh/hl. With this result Carlsberg came in below the 2013 target of 29.0 kWh/hl and delivers a 13.3% reduction since 2010. CO2 emissions came to 7.1 kg CO2/hl, a performance on target with a 26.8% reduction since 2010.
Building a strong health and safety culture: The amount and severity of accidents decreased. The lost-time accidents rate (LTAR) in Production came to 10,3%, a reduction of 38% since 2010. Also, the Days lost rate (DLR) was reduced and came to 142 lost day. This is a reduction of 45% since 2010.
Morten Nielsen, Director, Corporate Social Responsibility, comments: “Beer is an agricultural product and we depend upon a healthy, clean environment for our production and future growth. We remain dedicated to reducing our impact on the environment and we set ourselves challenging targets. Our 2013 performance demonstrates promising results and progress across most of our prioritised areas.”
He continues: “We are satisfied with what has already been achieved, but recognise there is more to do. We want to sustain our leadership in efficiency among global brewers and to be among the best in class when it comes to the safety of our employees. Our aim is to develop and grow and to do it responsibly.”