CHEP – Building Better Supply Chains

CHEP, the global leader in pallet and container pooling services, has revealed that its Collaborative Transportation program removed 2.9 million kilometres of truck haulage from Europe’s roads in 2012, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 2,340 metric tons – the equivalent of CO2 emissions from the electricity use of 350 homes for one year – while producing cost savings for CHEP customers.
Filling empty vehicles following retail deliveries can be challenging for many retail suppliers, however under the Collaborative Transportation program, vehicles delivering products to retailers on CHEP pallets, returning with an empty truck without going off-route is a compelling opportunity. Other vehicles, having completed deliveries, collect empty pallets from hundreds of CHEP plants acrossEurope, for delivery to their customers or elsewhere. This process eliminates empty truck movements and reduces transportation costs.
With ownership and management of more than 300 million pallets, crates and containers worldwide, CHEP also provides countless collaboration opportunities for equipment repositioning through its LeanLogistics® Platform.
CHEP’s Sales team is expanding efforts to bring more customers into the Collaborative Transportation program, at the same time looking to identify other joint initiatives that create mutual cost savings, sustainability benefits and help Build Better Supply Chains Together.
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