Coca-Cola Life to Launch in Sweden

Coca-Cola in Sweden has announced that Coca-Cola life® will be available in Sweden later this year. Sweden will be one of the first two countries to launch the product in Europe. This cola drink with fewer calories contains a third less sugar and one-third fewer calories than regular cola beverages1 and the sweetness comes from natural sources.
Sweetened with a blend of sugar and stevia extract, a 330ml can of Coca-Cola life contains 89 calories, and will join Coca-Cola®, Coca-Cola light®, and Coca-Cola zero® in stores from September. Coca-Cola life is the first new Coca-Cola to launch in Sweden since Coca-Cola zero in 2007.
Coca-Cola life and the sweetener – stevia extract – represents the latest in innovation in sweeteners. Stevia extract is derived from the stevia plant that grows in South America. Coca-Cola in Sweden also uses stevia extract as a sweetener in Glaceau vitaminwater.
The launch of Coca-Cola life is part of the company’s global commitment to health and wellness, offering consumers more choices with fewer or no calories. Over the past 12 months, Coca-Cola in Sweden decreased caloric content of Glaceau vitaminwater by reducing the amount of sugar by introducing stevia extract; launched smaller packs of Coca-Cola and recently announced that the company will get 120,000 Swedes more active by 2020, primarily through swimming.
Today a quarter of cola drinks sold by Coca-Cola in Sweden are already low or no calorie and the launch of Coca-Cola life provide consumers even greater choice within the portfolio: Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola life with one-third fewer calories1 and two calorie-free alternatives with Coca-Cola zero and Coca-Cola light.
Coca-Cola life will be manufactured in Sweden by Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden in Jordbro outside Stockholm.
“We are pleased to be adding Coca-Cola life to our portfolio of Coca-Cola in Sweden,” says Pierre Decroix, CEO of Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden. “It complements our existing brands and is well positioned to meet the changing lifestyle trends and provide people with a tasty cola drink with fewer calories with sweetness from natural sources.”
Coca-Cola life will be available in 33 cl cans and 0.5 and 1.5 liter PET bottle. Coca-Cola life 500ml bottle contains PlantBottle plastic made with up to 22.5% plant materials in combination with up to 25%