European Commission Approves Two New Geographical Indications From Italy

The European Commission has approved the addition of two new product names to the register of Protected Geographical Indications (PGI), both from Italy. From the Province of Ogliastra (located in the eastern part of Sardinia), Culurgionis d’Ogliastra is a fresh pasta product in the form of a leaf-shaped bundle that is closed by hand to contain a filling made of a mixture of potatoes, cheese, vegetable and/or animal fats, herbs and seasoning. The way the bundle is closed is reminiscent of a stylised ear of wheat.
From the Province of Sondrio (located in Lombardy), Pizzoccheri della Valtellina is a pasta made from a mixture of at least 20 percent buckwheat flour mixed with other flours. It is produced and marketed as both dried and fresh pasta. It is distinguished by the following shapes: the ‘tagliatello steso’, i.e. thin flattened strips of variable length and width in a stretched form, the ‘tagliatello avvolto’, i.e. thin flattened strips of variable length and width which are then rolled up, or the ‘gnocchetto’, i.e. with its characteristic concave shape.
These two new denominations will be added to the list of over 1,350 products already protected.