Festo B.V. honored as Meyn supplier of the year 2013

Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V. recognized Festo B.V. as one of its best global suppliers of the year. Festo is one of our many suppliers who have consistently exceeded Meyn’s expectations by being innovative, delivering quality products on time and by creating outstanding value through their flexibility.
Mr Thomas Pehrson, Managing Director Festo Netherlands, said “Festo is deeply honored to receive such an award from one of the leading suppliers in poultry processing. Customer awards are the most important prices you can win as a supplier, especially in the world of industrial automation. We will do our best to deserve this title also for the present and the future. This award will get a very special place where everybody can see and admire it.”
Festo adapted quickly to Meyn’s growing expectations for the total service level of all suppliers after redesigning its manufacturing process according to the Lean manufacturing principles. Lead-time reliability and on-time deliveries are key to a successful Lean manufacturing process and Festo performed very well in this field. Onno Oudewortel, Group Sourcing Manager, said: “Meyn would like to thank Festo for being a reliable and trusted supplier with great service and performance. We look forward to our continued partnership as Festo delivers products and services that enable Meyn to develop, build and sell poultry processing products that answer to our customers’ challenges. Festo really is a world-class supplier.”
World market leader Festo supplies Meyn with pneumatic and electrical automation technology which is used in Meyn’s poultry processing machines amongst which is the successful Rapid HQ breast deboner.