FrieslandCampina Announces Job Cuts at Beilen and Leeuwarden Sites

In recent years, FrieslandCampina has invested heavily in greater production capacity, quality improvements and safety at production facilities including those in Beilen and Leeuwarden, in anticipation of the end of milk quotas and increasingly stringent quality requirements. At the beginning of this year, a start was made on increasing efficiency and reducing costs at both of these production facilities. As a consequence, during the next three years the number of jobs at these production facilities will be reduced, with job cuts being made at various levels.
At the beginning of this year, FrieslandCampina’s production facilities in Beilen and Leeuwarden, together with staff from various departments within the organisation, made a start on increasing efficiency and reducing costs by making improvements to the way of working. The proposed improvements will result in structural changes, such as new working methods, changes in duties and responsibilities, more efficient staffing, the creation of teams, and adjustments to the organisation structure. At FrieslandCampina’s production facilities in Beilen and Leeuwarden it has become clear that the introduction of the improvements will lead to more efficient business operations. As a consequence, it will be possible to cut jobs at various levels within these production facilities.
The efficiency improvements are expected to lead to between 210 and 230 job cuts, out of a current workforce of 767, in the next three years at FrieslandCampina in Beilen, where infant nutrition and ingredients are produced. In total, 80 to 90 FrieslandCampina employees with permanent employment contracts and 115 to 125 agency workers and employees with temporary contracts will be affected. The remaining jobs cuts (approximately 15) will be achieved through natural turnover.
At FrieslandCampina in Leeuwarden, which mostly produces condensed milk for export to the Middle East, Africa and Asia, there will be between 125 and 145 jobs cuts, out of a current workforce of 852, in the next three years. These job cuts will affect 60 to 70 FrieslandCampina employees with permanent employment contracts, and 40 to 45 agency workers and employees with temporary contracts, while some 25 jobs will be lost through natural turnover.