GEA Presented Innovative Solutions For the Beverage Industry at BrauBeviale 2016

At BrauBeviale 2016 in Nuremberg, GEA presented not only this year’s innovations to the beverage business – but also its technologies, which set standards in its sector. In close collaboration with the beverage industry, GEA mechanical engineers and process technicians create tailored solutions. Customer requirements here are focused on superior-quality product results with absolutely reliable and secure production, flexibility with respect to demand fluctuations, improvements in their own productivity at ever lower operational costs, and a sustainable ecobalance.
BrauBeviale 2016 highlights at the GEA booth:
DI-BATCH-F™ batch mixing system with new recipe management allows for complete control during production. This new system processes dry substances and liquids to a finished syrup or finished beverage. A special feature of this system is its partial discharge from packing drums by means of a drum pump and a hopper tank on weight cells. This provides producers with additional flexibility regarding production volumes and with the opportunity to purchase the base ingredients in containers of different sizes.
The GEA “Plug & Brew” skids with centrifuge for trendy craft beer created a lot of interest among customers. These compact units are multifunctional and rated for outputs of 1,000 to 100,000 hectoliters per annum. GEA offers craft breweries customized solutions in the form of efficient Plug & Brew units, to assure success on the marketplace with premium product quality. With the centrifuge skid, the craft brewer can save 30 % production time with dry hopping, and can increase his yield by up to 10 %. The space-saving skids are piped and pre-assembled in four sizes and are ready for use immediately.
With its market launch of the GEA rotoramic, GEA offers a new, energy-saving filter with ceramic membrane disks, which enables beer recovery from surplus yeast or retentate processing in fruit juice filtration. The ceramic cross-flow filter requires approx. 75 % less energy than conventional cross-flow procedures. Breweries and fruit juice producers can achieve maximum product yields together with gentle product treatment and with no quality losses.
For the production of high-quality non-alcoholic beer, GEA has developed a system for reverse osmosis with membrane filtration for de-alcoholization of beer with low feed rates. GEA offers compact plant configurations for capacities from 2.5 to 10 hectoliters per hour. The systems feature modular design and are optimized for batch processing. Automation assures high process reliability and low service expenditure.
For cold hopping technology, GEA has developed its HOPSTAR™ Dry. It is now available as a skid-mounted standardized plug & play unit and offers dosing rates from 200 to 600 grams per hectoliter. In an independent process with this system, hop pellets can be extracted with beer. The resulting enriched liquid can be used for topping up beer with special hop ingredients.
Since last year, GEA has reorganized its hygienic pump range, and has combined them in the SMARTPUMP line for standard configurations, as well as in the VARIPUMP line. The VARIPUMP models, optimized for demanding applications such as in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and the dairy business, offer maximum flexibility in use. These pumps generally stand out owing to their excellent surface finish and the complete absence of pores in the product contact area. The result of intensive collaboration is the new GEA Hilge HYGIA range.
Shortly before the fair, GEA also launched its new service concept: “GEA Service – For your continued success”.This GEA concept focuses on support for the customer throughout the entire life cycle of their installed systems and components: from project engineering, installation, and commissioning to maintaining and improving the performance of the customer’s plant and equipment.
At the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry – drinktec, in Munich from 11 to 15 September 2017 – GEA will take the next opportunity to present its extensive offering of products and services for the beverage industry.