Hardwearing Stainless For Dairies

In food and drink factories, hygiene and cleaning is an important factor when manufacturing, processing, packaging and distributing quality product daily. With various processing areas in a factory it is imperative that the construction of the factory will not impede production or fail due to impact or wear.
Aspen Stainless were appointed as the manufacturer, supplier and installer for all the stainless steel wall kerbing and high level gantries in one of the largest dairies in the UK. Working closely with the Building Contractor, Aspen mapped out the processing rooms within the facility and installed thousands of meters of their hardwearing wall kerb. The wall kerb hosted the walling and accepted a brand new resin floor, which created the new processing rooms.
Once installed the seamlessly welded, stainless steel wall kerbing provided the optimum hygienic surface between the floors and walls, which in turn enabled an efficient cleaning regime preventing bacteria and debris from harboring in any cracks or crevices. Alongside the wall kerbing, Aspen also installed various high level gantries which hosted the dairy machinery on different levels to maximize space within the factory.
In addition to dairies, Aspen enjoys a close working relationship with their clients in the food and drink industry including; meat, fish, bakeries, snack foods, confectionary and more. With strict demands for hygienic plant and equipment in all industries, Aspen has the ability to provide product engineering solutions to meet your specialist requirements using its range of stainless steel drainage, wall kerbing and protection.
Browse the product range online, which has full technical data available to download or to discuss your bespoke requirements with the Aspen technical team – 0115 986 6321, www.aspen.eu.com.