Ireland’s Craft Brewers to Turnover €60 Million This Year

Ireland’s craft beer market is continuing to grow both domestically and internationally, according to a new Bord Bia report. The ‘Craft Beer and Microbreweries in Ireland Survey 2016’ found there are 62 microbreweries operating in Ireland, of which 48 are production microbreweries and 16 are contracting companies. In 2015, the total turnover of craft beer producers was estimated at €40 million, while the outlook remains very positive with a projected turnover of €59 million for 2016.
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Michael Creed TD comments: “This report provides a really useful profile of the sector year on year and over time. Food Wise 2025 identified huge growth opportunities for craft beer and the potential to increase the number of micro-breweries to 100. Already there is a micro-brewery in nearly every county, creating jobs at a very local level in towns and rural areas and niche opportunities for growers. Food Wise also noted the explosion of the craft beer market in the United States. I am pleased to see a number of microbreweries exploring export opportunities in close co-operation with Bord Bia.”
Denise Murphy, Beverages Manager, Bord Bia, says: “Some two-thirds of microbreweries are now exporting, albeit many of them on a small scale as yet. The category is rapidly developing its export capability and this will be reflected in export volumes reported going forward. On average, microbreweries are now targeting an export share of almost 50% of total production.”
Report Highlights
Between 2011 and 2015, the output of production microbreweries rose by more than 415% to reach 134,000 hl. Capacity expansion continues apace, and that coupled with the influx of new breweries, will provide output in 2016 in the region of 197,000 hl. Of the total microbrewery production in 2015, an estimated 24,000 hl (18%) was exported. This is 7% less than the figure reflected in 2014, however it is important to note that this is percentage is based on a larger production volume from the industry as a whole. Meanwhile closer to home, the report found that last year ‘craft beer’ represented 2.5% of total beer consumption in Ireland and this is projected to rise to 3.4% in 2016.
Pictured at the launch of Bord Bia’s new report on the craft beer market in Ireland, were (l-r): Denise Murphy, Beverages Manager at Bord Bia; Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Michael Creed; and Seamus O’Hara of Carlow Brewing Company.