IUFoST 2016 World Congress of Food Science and Technology – Dublin – 21-25 August

Over 1,500 food scientists, engineers, food industry professionals, regulatory authorities and students from around the world, are expected in Dublin for the IUFoST 2016 World Congress of Food Science and Technology, which is being hosted by the Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland, which will facilitate the communication, exchange and sharing of knowledge at the frontiers of food science and technology.
The Inaugural Global Food Summit will take place on Sunday, 21 August, commencing at 9.00am in the concert hall, RDS. The Summit will acknowledge and draw on the increasingly vital role world governments and their agencies play in improving the dialogue and collaboration necessary to tackle current and future global food issues. It will examine current and future practice with the aim of improving strategies towards a sustainable/waste efficient and resilient food supply from third to first world.
The Congress will officially open on Sunday night and runs until 25 August. Some highlights of the congress will include:
- Keynote addresses by global experts from industry and academia
- The Food Industry Leadership Forum
- Over 80 sessions with distinguished international speakers
- Over 1,400 poster presentations
- International Food Industry Awards
- Food research and industry exhibition
- International Student Product Development Competition
- Young Scientist Awards
The main sponsors of the congress are the Kerry group and Teagasc.
To register for the conference visit http://www.iufost2016.com/
See detailed programme at https://www.teagasc.ie/news–events/national-events/events/iufost2016.php