Kellogg Company Acquires Egypt’s Leading Cereal Company

Kellogg Company has advanced its emerging market growth strategy by acquiring Mass Food Group, Egypt’s leading cereal company, for $50 million. Founded in 1996, Mass Food Group is a family-owned business headquartered in Cairo. As the first company to introduce breakfast cereal to Egyptian consumers, Mass Food Group has grown into an $18 million business (sales) with 600 employees in less than 20 years. The company makes such popular local brands as Temmy’s cereals and NutriFit cereal bars. Mass Food Group also exports foods to more than 30 markets, including Europe, East Asia and Africa.
“As the number one cereal company in Egypt, Mass Food Group is an excellent strategic fit for Kellogg,” says Chris Hood, president of Kellogg Europe. “The combination of Mass Food Group’s manufacturing capabilities, established local brands, and sales and distribution infrastructure, coupled with Kellogg’s product innovation, international sales knowledge, iconic brands and marketing expertise, will help unlock the growth potential of the cereal category in the key markets of Egypt and North Africa.”
Earlier this year, Kellogg acquired Bisco Misr, Egypt’s leading packaged biscuit company. And in mid-September, Kellogg Company announced a joint venture with Tolaram Africa to develop snacks and breakfast foods for the West African market, as well as noodles across Africa, which are often eaten at breakfast. In addition, Kellogg acquired 50% of Multipro, a premier sales and distribution company in Nigeria and Ghana.