Name Changes Recognises Integration at Produce World

Leading fresh vegetable grower and supplier Produce World has announced that it has stopped using individual company names for the various product categories that it grows and supplies. Until now the companies within the group had been known as Produce World followed by the historical company name, for instance the company’s organics specialist was called Produce World RBO.
The individual companies within the Produce World Group will now be known by their locations – ie Produce World Yaxley, Produce World Butterwick, Produce World Chatteris, Produce World Sutton Bridge and Produce World Isleham. The change marks the next stage in the integration of the Produce World Group.
Chief executive William Burgess explains: “Over the past five years we have been working to bring together the individual businesses in a way that delivers the best possible quality of produce and service to our customers. Increasingly we have been able to realise our vision of being one company offering the widest range of fresh vegetables in the UK.”
He adds: “This integration has brought a number of benefits to everyone involved with the business from our customers and consumers through employees to growers and other suppliers. The strength and breadth of our offering has driven innovation in the field and at our packing sites. We now have one commercial function serving our customers, and all these things have helped to increase the success of Produce World. In many ways the change of company names is simply recognition of the situation that now exists.”
Produce World is one of the largest expert growers and suppliers of high quality fresh vegetables in Europe. It is a privately owned business, founded by the Burgess family in 1898. Its sourcing is a combination of produce from its own farms, joint-ventures, and collaborative working with dedicated grower groups, supplying a variety of root vegetables, potatoes, brassicas, alliums, and organic produce to leading retailers, food service and manufacturing customers.