Nanotechnology in Food
Since 13 December 2014 nanoparticles have to be labelled on foodstuff. According to the EU regulation concerning food information the reference “nano” is mandatory on packaging. The second International Fresenius Conference “Nanotechnology in Food” from 9 to 10 September 2015 in Cologne/Germany informs about this topic and other developments in research and regulation with regard to nanomaterials in food.
The conference is divided into the topic areas “Regulatory issues”, “Medical issues and consumer safety”, “Analytical methods and scientific matters” and “Industry practice and experience in other areas”. The programme includes presentations about the labelling of nano ingredients, EFSA’s risk assessment of nanotmaterials concerning food and feed, the uptake of nanoparticles within the gastrointestinal tract, the communication about and the public perception of nanotechnology in food as well as presentations regarding its innovation potential. In addition, the topic “nano in food contact materials” will also be addressed.
The conference language is English.
– Cecilia Bartolucci, National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
– Friederike Bühre-Weck, Evonik Industries
– Ralf Eisert, BASF
– Astrid Epp, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)
– Ralf Greiner, Max Rubner-Institut (MRI)
– Sirkku Heinimaa, European Commission
– Flemming Ingerslev, Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
– Beate Kettlitz, FoodDrinkEurope
– Carolin Kranz, BASF
– Harald Krug, NanoCASE
– Doris Marko, University of Vienna
– Maud Perrudin, Keller and Heckman
– Martin A. Philbert, University of Michigan, School of Public Health
– Jonathan Powell, British Medical Research Council (MRC) Human Nutrition Research
– Stephen Pugh, British Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
– Hubert Rauscher, EC Joint Research Centre (JRC)
– Reinhilde Schoonjans, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
– Stephan Wagner, University of Vienna
– David B. Warheit, DuPont Haskell Global Centers for Health and Environmental Sciences.
More information can be found online