New Structure For Danish Crown’s Pork Business

Danish Crown is changing the structure of the group’s fresh pork division. No new divisional director will be appointed in the group as a result of the change, and DC Pork is instead being divided up into four independent business areas. The change also means that Søren F Eriksen, Vice President Production, is being promoted to CEO of a new business unit – DC Pork B2B.
DC Pork is being divided into four independent business areas:
* DC Pork B2B
* DC Pork Denmark
* DC Fleisch
* KLS Ugglarps
The four independent business areas will report directly to the CEO of DC Fresh Meat. Group CEO Kjeld Johannesen is CEO of DC Fresh Meat – just as Flemming N. Enevoldsen is CEO of DC Foods.
”In our opinion, even better synergies will result from revising the organisational structure slightly. The management of and responsibility for DC Pork Denmark, DC Fleisch and KLS Ugglarps are unchanged, with Uffe Frovst, Steen Sønnichsen and Jonas Tunestål heading the three areas, while Søren F Eriksen is being made CEO of the newly established business area DC Pork B2B, which comprises the six pig slaughterhouses in Denmark, the sow slaughterhouse in Skærbæk, the deboning departments in Poland and Germany as well as the deboning and bacon plant in Bugle in the UK. DC Pork B2B also comprises export sales,” explains Danish Crown’s Group CEO and CEO of DC Fresh Meat Kjeld Johannesen.
Søren F Eriksen’s first task will be to organise DC Pork B2B within the defined areas of responsibility.
The organisational change is being implemented with immediate effect.