Orkla Acquires Leading Norwegian Ingredients Supplier

Orkla Food Ingredients is acquiring Arne B Corneliussen, a leading manufacturer and supplier to the Norwegian food industry. The company’s product portfolio consists of spices, marinades, flavourings, starter cultures and other functional ingredients, in addition to packaging solutions. Its customer market is Norwegian food manufacturers with the Norwegian meat industry as main segment.
Orkla Food Ingredients is the leading bakery ingredients player in the Nordic region, supplying products such as margarine and butter blends, yeast, bread and cake improvers and mixes, marzipan and ice cream ingredients. In acquiring Arne B. Corneliussen, the business area will expand its product range and customer base in Norway.
“This acquisition gives us access to a new growth platform in the food industry. The purchase of Arne B. Corneliussen also offers potential for synergies with our existing ingredients operations in Norway, in the form of a more strategic focus on the out-of-home sector as well as savings in areas such as purchasing and distribution,” says Pål Eikeland, Orkla EVP and CEO of Orkla Food Ingredients.
Arne B. Corneliussen, established in 1949, has been owned since 1995 by DAT-Schaub, a subsidiary of Danish Crown.
The agreement is subject to the approval of the Norwegian competition authorities.