Scottish Aquaculture Website Launched

Information on Scotland’s world renowned aquaculture will be easier to access with the launch of a new website and database – The website will provide a central location for an integrated, geographic and up-to-date view of aquaculture activity in Scotland.
The website also provides information about:
* industry location
* types of aquaculture
* leases, licenses and reports on controlled activities
* shellfish hygiene monitoring.
It includes an interactive map which can be customised for area of interest; a searchable database of information about finfish farms and shellfish harvesting areas; a view of how farm sites, leases and licences relate together; and fully downloadable data for use in spreadsheets and analysis tools.
This is the result of a significant partnership project amongst the main aquaculture regulatory and administrative bodies in Scotland – Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Marine Scotland, The Food Standards Agency in Scotland and The Crown Estate.
The Environment and Climate Change Minister Paul Wheelhouse says: “Aquaculture was worth over £530 million to the Scottish economy in 2012 and is a key sector to underpinning sustainable economic growth. It provides high quality and secure employment particularly in our rural and coastal communities and has significant potential to contribute further.This website and database will see information being shared that will enable better informed decisions to be made in view of all aquaculture activity.”