Success Through Knowledge – iba.SPEAKERS CORNER

The iba.SPEAKERS CORNER at iba from 15 to 20 September is a new platform to exchange multidisciplinary knowledge. Current and upcoming trends and challenges will be discussed during lectures and panel discussion, and best-practice examples will be presented during all days of the fair. All contributions will be simultaneously translated into German and English.
Digitization, processes, food trends, raw materials, Industry 4.0 and practical success stories will be the main topics at the new iba.SPEAKERS CORNER in hall A1 at iba in Munich. There will be round-tables and discussion rounds daily from 10 AM until 6 PM, as well as lectures from experts working in the craft trade and the industry. iba visitors will receive information and ideas on how to move their business forward. Anyone who knows trends and challenges, and knows how to seize the opportunities, will continue to be successful in the future.
Success stories, influencers and lectures for the craft trade
Each day of the fair will have its own focus point. Craftsmanship is the focus on the first two days of the fair, with lectures primarily for small and medium-sized businesses. Bakers and confectioners, including the bakery Fickenscher from Münchberg and the bakery Kruste & Krume from Vienna, will present the secrets behind their success stories. In addition, the main guests of the iba.Virtual Bakery Tours will be visiting and be available for questions from the audience. The iba.Virtual Bakery Tours can be experienced in hall B3, where visitors can visit successful bakeries around the globe through VR glasses and 360-degree videos.
Intelligent Machines, Digital Commerce and Industry 4.0
From Monday to Wednesday, the focus will be on large companies, global players and the industry. The VDMA Fachverband Nahrungsmittelmaschinen und Verpackungsmaschinen, the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW), and the American Bakers Association (ABA), amongst others, have been won as partners for these days.
The topics covered by the BVDW, on Tuesday and Wednesday, will cover modern digital marketing and digitization at the point of sale. As in all industries, there are pioneers and latecomers among bakers and confectioners, says Dr. Oliver Bohl, Chairman of the Digital Commerce Focus Group at BVDW, who will moderate the presentations and one of the rounds of talks. “Some have digitized their work in many ways, others do not even use the basic capabilities of digital marketing such as a simple website.” It is important to work on this through education, networking and knowledge exchange, he says – for example at the iba.SPEAKERS CORNER.
Topics of the VDMA lecture series on Monday will be Industry 4.0, the intelligent networking of machines and processes and its resulting opportunities. The lectures are aimed not only at bread and bakery manufacturers, but also at the machine and plant manufacturers who manufacture the machines and equipment for production and packaging. Food trends, e-commerce and the needs of consumers will be discussed on Tuesday, when experts from the ABA and other visionaries from international companies will be present at the iba.SPEAKERS CORNER.
The end will be devoted to the start-ups, who will have the chance to introduce themselves, along with their strategies, on Thursday.
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