Tulip UK Head Resigns

Flemming N Enevoldsen, group executive vice president of Danish Crown and head of the meat groups Tulip UK business, has resigned. The reason for the resignation is disagreement on the future strategy regarding Tulip UK.
”We have over a period witnessed that we are losing competitiveness in this important market, where we are involved in both slaughtering, sales of fresh meat and processed products. As a group we cannot accept this development to continue. The UK market has since 2012 been the business responsibility of Flemming N Enevoldsen, but but we have realized that tthere is a strategic disagreement between the board and the group executive VP on how these challenges should be addressed. Thus we have reached this agreement,” explains Erik Bredholt, chairman of Danish Crown.
He emphasizes that Danish Crown still has great confidence and feels deeply committed towards the UK market where 5,900 people are employed at 15 production facilities. The turnover of Tulip UK for latest full financial year was DKr11.7 billion (Eur1.57 billion, £1.25 billion). Substantial positive earnings are still expected for Tulip UK in the current financial year.