
Women read food labels more than men

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Women read food labels more than men

Women read food labels more than men
May 27
08:45 2013
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A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows that female consumers are more likely to read and heed information on food packaging than men.

The study (which looked at 573 men and 809 women 19 to 70 years of age) found that women read the label, health claims, ingredients lists and serving sizes more frequently than men. Further, they are more likely to take that information into account when making purchasing decisions.

Additionally, the research examined the role that age plays in consumer reaction to labels. According to the study, men and women aged 51 to 70 were more likely to check food labels than their younger counterparts.

Race also plays a role in predicting consumer behavior in relation to labels. For example, Hispanic men check labels more frequently than Caucasian men.

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