Harnessing Marine Bioresources for Innovations in the Food Industry

NutraMara – the Marine Functional Foods Research Initiative – is a research programme for marine based functional food development which focuses on the mining of marine bioresources including seaweeds (macroalgae), microalgae and marine processing by-products as well as aquaculture, for functional food ingredients. On 29-30th June 2015 it will host an ambitious and exciting Conference and Expo that will showcase the latest international scientific findings in harnessing and exploiting marine bioresources. The Conference will discuss the creation of business opportunities and the development of a more sustainable, competitive Marine Bioresources Sector through research and innovation. It will include presentations by leading national and international thought leaders in the field, ranging from value creation from fish discards (as well as macro- and micro-algae); innovative business approaches to developing new products from marine bioresources; and the health-promoting properties of marine bioactives.
In conjunction with the conference, there will be an impressive exhibition of research and development capabilities across the Irish research landscape underpinning innovation in the Irish Marine Bioresources Sector. Ireland’s leading public research organisations (universities, research institutes and Institutes of Technology) will showcase their capabilities, expertise and current technologies. These exhibits will highlight business opportunities and emerging research findings from on-going research programmes. Lead scientists will interact with delegates on a one-to-one basis allowing fruitful networking and knowledge sharing.
Exhibits will include innovation supports and funding instruments from national marine/food sector agencies such as Enterprise Ireland, the Marine Institute and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. A selection of highly innovative and progressive biomarine based companies will demonstrate their offerings in this exciting field also. This unique gathering of science, business and public agencies will ensure a most stimulating experience for all delegates.
An outstanding Technology Portfolio detailing Ireland’s current technologies, capabilities, services and expertise relating to the marine bioresources sector will be available at the conference for all delegates.
Listed below are the main sessions and some of the leading experts who will be presenting at the conference.
Day 1: Monday 29th June 2015
Opening Address
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD |
Growing Ireland’s Capability in Marine Functional Foods – The Nutramara Programme
Mr. Declan Troy, Director of NutraMara,, Teagasc |
Innovation in the European marine bioresources sector
Dr. Torger Børresen, Technical University of Denmark |
Marine ingredients and opportunities for processing underutilised fish species: An Irish industry perspective
Mr. Jason Whooley, Bio-Marine Ingredients Ireland Ltd |
Marine Based Functional Food Ingredients |
Applications of marine algae in food and health – recent developments and challenges
Dr. Dagmar Stengel, NUI Galway |
Novel ingredients from Irish seaweeds: the CyberColloids approach
Dr. Sarah Hotchkiss, CyberColloids Ltd. |
The novel role of seaweed in traditional food products
Dr. Helena Abreu, AlgaPlus, Portugal |
Value Addition to Marine Processing By-Products |
Development of an integrated bio-refinery for processing chitin rich biowaste into speciality chemicals
Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany |
Marine bioresources for use as techno-functional and health beneficial ingredients
Dr. Maria Hayes, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown |
Biologically active peptides from marine protein sources
Prof. Dick FitzGerald, University of Limerick |
Novel bioactive ingredients and products derived from marine algae
Ms. Rósa Jónsdóttir, Matís Ltd. – Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D |
Day 2: Tuesday 30th June 2015
Novel Applications of Marine Derived Bioactives and Biomaterials |
Marine bacteria as a source of novel bioactive agents for use in strategies against foodborne pathogens and in food processing applications
Prof. Alan Dobson, University College Cork |
Commercial exploitation of marine derived bioactives for food and non-food applications
Dr. Trevor Francis, CTO Byotrol plc., UK |
Marine polysaccharides – potential functional foods against obesity and inflammation
Prof. Torres Sweeney/Prof. John O’Doherty, University College Dublin |
Seafood processing research: Trends and practical applications
Prof. Ioanis Boziaris, University of Thessaly, Greece |
Health Promoting Properties of Marine Derived Ingredients |
Marine bioresources – nutritional benefits and challenges
Dr. Emeir McSorley, Ulster University |
Macroalgae extracts and their role as a source of functional ingredients
Prof. Yvonne Yuan, Ryerson University, Canada |
Marine derived lipids for human health
Dr. Catherine Stanton, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark |
Marine Bioresource – Security and Sustainability |
The lifecycle efficiency and potential of marine aquaculture
Dr. John Forster, Forster Consulting Inc. Washington, USA |
Extraction of seaweed biostimulants for agricultural and horticultural applications: an industry perspective
Dr. Franck Hennequart, Oilean Glas Teo, Ireland |
Development of algae based products for high value markets
Dr. John C. Dodd, Algaecytes Ltd., Kent, UK |
Conclusions and Panel Discussion |
Registration for this conference is free but advance booking is essential. To register please visit http://www.nutramara.ie/nutramara-conference-2015/registration/