
Kerry Offers Solution to Rising Egg Prices Woes For European Confectionery Manufacturers

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Kerry Offers Solution to Rising Egg Prices Woes For European Confectionery Manufacturers

Kerry Offers Solution to Rising Egg Prices Woes For European Confectionery Manufacturers
February 13
08:57 2017
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The H5N8 strain of bird flu reached Europe in October 2016, and since then, it has been detected in at least 14 European countries. In parallel, more and more European consumers are looking to increase their protein intake and view eggs as an important source to provide this protein. In fact, the UK recorded the steepest rise in egg sales in November 2016, since World War II rationing ended in the 1950s.

Together, the bird flu outbreaks and rising consumer demand for protein have resulted in European egg prices increasing 16% since last November.

This price and supply volatility represents a major headache for food and beverage manufacturers, who use eggs as a key ingredient, particularly in the confectionery, bakery and beverage categories. Kerry’s range of natural and great tasting functional protein hydroylsates are widely valued for replacing the aerating properties of egg albumin in a very cost effective way. Made from both dairy and vegetable sources, Hyfoama™ exhibits exceptionally consistent whipping performance and removes the risk of fluctuating egg prices. It is also used at a lower inclusion rate than egg white, which means that a significant reduction (~15-25%) in the “cost in use” versus egg albumen can be achieved depending on usage levels and product application.

Ideal applications for Hyfoama™ include confectionery (nougat, marshmallow, bird’s milk, jellies and chews), bakery and beverages. The range also includes allergen-free and vegan options, both of which are  growing trends in the sugar confectionery market.

Kerry has over 60 years’ experience of aerating confectionery and is a market leader for protein hydrolysates. For further details on Hyfoama™, contact Ian O’Loughlin, Kerry Global Lead for Functional Proteins, ian.oloughlin@kerry.com.

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