EU Adopts Guidance Notes on the Classification of Colouring Foods

At its most recent meeting, the European Commission’s Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health has adopted new European Guidance notes for the classification of food extracts with colouring properties. “This decision closes the remaining gap in the legislative regulations on Colouring Foods and paves the way for more transparency and consistency in the food and beverage industry,” says Paul Collins, board member of the GNT Group, who has supported the Guidance notes process. Since 2007 the Guidance notes were elaborated by Commission services after consultation with the Member States’ experts on food additives and the relevant stakeholders.
As a supplement to the existing EU regulations on the classification and declaration of products used to provide colour, the objective of the Guidance notes is to provide simple and practical criteria for the differentiation between foods with colouring properties (so-called Colouring Foods) and additive food colours within the EU. Based on an easily applicable decision tree, they serve as an important working and decision tool for the food industry and enforcement authorities of the EU member states.
All colouring products that do not meet these criteria for Colouring Foods will be classified as food additives that need legal permission and have to be designated by the name of the category “colour”, followed by their specific name or E number. Colouring Foods, by contrast, are food ingredients with colouring properties and do not need permission. As a result, food and beverage manufacturers will have to review their labelling or even their formulation.
All GNT products which are sold worldwide under the brand name EXBERRY® are in compliance with this new guideline. EXBERRY® Colouring Foods are made from edible fruits, vegetables and plants. They are manufactured by physical processes resulting in concentrates in which the pigments have not been selectively extracted.
GNT, the leading global provider of Colouring Foods, welcomes the decision of the Standing Committee. “With their clear classification of Colouring Foods, the Guidance notes are a very important step towards a transparent application and declaration of such food ingredients in the EU,” says Paul Collins. “They give food and beverage producer’s clarity, consistency and certainty in their decisions and support them in their efforts to provide today’s diet conscious consumers with the colourful but still natural products that they demand.”
The final endorsed version of the Guidance notes will be published on DG Sanco’s website within the next few weeks. Further details on how to interpret the Guidance notes will be made then. For more information about the GNT Group visit