Anuga FoodTec Continues on its Course For Success

Anuga FoodTec, the international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry, continues on its course for success. “The trade fair set a new record both in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors,” stated Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH. Over 45,000 experts from the food and beverage industry gathered information on the innovations and further developments of the supply industry over a period of four days. This corresponds to a six percent increase. The share of international visitors was once again over 50 percent.
“The cross-process, raw material-independent concept is highly welcomed by both the exhibitors and the visitors. As such Anuga FoodTec has been able to grow successfully over the years and continually further develop in terms of quality,” said Hamma. Top managers and production managers of all important food companies attended Anuga FoodTec in order to talk to the exhibitors about the optimisation, expansion and new installation of their production plants. These included managers from Coca Cola, Fonterra, ITC, Mafrig, Mondelez, Nestlé, Tyson or the Yili Group, to mention just a few.
“Once again numerous innovations and all relevant aspects of the production of food and drinks were presented in Cologne,” commented Dr. Reinhard Grandke, Managing Director of the DLG (German Agricultural Society) and Chairman of the Advisory Board of Anuga FoodTec, on the excellent standing of the leading trade fair. “In conjunction with a tailor-made specialised programme, the visitors were able to get a comprehensive picture of current industry themes and ground-breaking developments in the global food industry.”
Anuga FoodTec is organised jointly by Koelnmesse and the DLG. The fact that the trade fair was able to further increase its attendance by six percent compared to the remarkable result of 2012 was consistent with the positive prevailing mood that was perceivable from the moment Anuga FoodTec kicked off. Over 1,500 exhibitors, which corresponds to a 14 percent increase, exhibited on exhibition space covering 121,000 m² in 2015. Around 56 percent of the suppliers came from abroad.
Thanks to the participation of leading international companies as well as numerous smaller and medium-sized companies with highly specialised technologies and services, the trade fair was competently represented in all segments. The trade fair is divided up into the areas Food Processing, Food Packaging, Food Safety, Ingredients and Services & Solutions.
Since the requirement for new technologies and intelligent solutions for the processing, production and packaging of food and drinks remains as high as ever, innovations played a central role at the trade fair. Overall, the willingness to invest is high within the food industry. Numerous companies are planning to expand or upgrade their plants. The target here is not only the automation of the individual components, but also of the entire production line.
Predominantly the themes resource efficiency and sustainability led to an increased demand for new technologies and applications at Anuga FoodTec. With respect to the challenges of the future, concepts for saving energy, water and raw materials were in high demand. The trade fair was able to set important impulses regarding profitability, sustainability and competitiveness.
The extensive supporting programme was organised and coordinated by the DLG. It addressed both cross-process and industry-specific themes.
Anuga FoodTec in figures:
1,501 suppliers from 49 countries, (2012: 1,320), 56 percent of whom came from abroad, exhibited at Anuga FoodTec 2015 on exhibition space covering 121,000 m². These included 649 exhibitors and 6 additionally represented companies from Germany as well as 835 exhibitors and 11 additionally represented companies from abroad. Over 45,000 trade visitors from 137 countries attended Anuga FoodTec 2015, the share of foreign visitors was over 50 percent.
The next Anuga FoodTec, the international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry, will take place from 20 to 23 March 2018.
Further information, the list of exhibitors and information about the supporting programme: