Danone Launches a Successful €1 Billion Bond Issue

Danone has announced the successful launch of a €1 billion 8-year bond issue. Funds raised will enable Danone to fund its growth and extend the maturity of its debt at favorable market conditions.
The €1 billion bond, priced at mid swap +53 basis points, pays a coupon of 2.25%, and was widely subscribed by a diversified investor base. The bonds will be listed on Euronext Paris. Danone is rated A- stable by Standard & Poor’s and A3 stable by Moody’s.
Present on five continents, Danone holds top positions in healthy food through four businesses: Fresh Dairy Products, Waters, Baby Nutrition and Medical Nutrition. Danone operates more than 190 production plants and employs around 102,000 people. In 2012, the company generated sales of over €20 billion, with more than 50% in emerging countries.