Innovators, Packaging Automation Demonstrate Ultra Low Energy Electric Tray Sealers at PPMA 2015

At PPMA 2015 Packaging Automation will be exhibiting completely electric flexible tray sealers designed to seal film, foil or board lids to plastic, foil or board trays. The machines on show cater to the needs of all food producers from the artisan to the multi-national with production speeds from 15 packs per minute to 150 packs per minute.
This range enables food producers to demonstrate a real commitment to environmental issues, while delivering tangible improvements to the bottom line. All of the machines on show have ultra low energy requirements due to the removal of pneumatic components therefore eliminating 90% of the running costs when compared to conventional pneumatic tray sealers. However, the seal force delivered provides improved seal quality compared to that achieved with a pneumatic seal cylinder due to the technology used.
At the top end of the range, the Revolution offers the highest throughput in flexible tray sealing in the market at 200 packs per minute single lane. Demonstrating PA’s pedigree in innovation, the machine, has been designed to use novel technology that has until now never been used in the tray sealing industry.
PA also has capabilities in vacuum skin packing which is now offered across the full range of equipment. This brand new revolutionary pack format is gaining popularity in the meat, poultry and fish sectors. The skin system of sealing offers high visibility vacuum packs on a pre-formed tray which is aimed at improving shelf life, better product quality and packaging reduction with the use of a shallow tray.