Lamb Weston Meijer Invests in New State-of-the-Art Potato Grading Area in Kruiningen

Lamb Weston / Meijer, manufacturer of deep-frozen potato products and dried potato flakes, is investing 20 million euros in its biggest plant in Kruiningen, Zeeland (NL). A fully-automated potato sorting process is being implemented in a new, state-of-the-art potato grading area.
To realize the plans, various former production buildings are being replaced with a single potato reception and sorting area built entirely with the future in mind. The installation of a number of fully-automated potato sorting lines will make the complex potato sorting process considerably simpler and more efficient after delivery in mid-2015. The system in Kruiningen will soon be reduced to a single flowing line, from arrival and sorting of the potatoes to processing in the plant.
Tasty, trendsetting company
The highly-contemporary new building emphasizes Lamb Weston / Meijer’s ambition to set high standards in the market in terms of both products and production facilities. The new process will also enable the company to meet the growing demand for high-quality potato products and concepts.
Investing in the future
This new venture is an example of Lamb Weston / Meijer’s continuous investment in the optimisation of processes and activities and is aimed at strengthening the company’s leading position in the international market for potato products, improving customer service and enhancing the quality of the working environment.