Nestlé Empowers Consumers With New Digital Labelling Scheme

Consumers in the United Kingdom will be the first to benefit from a new global initiative by Nestlé to give people instant access to information about the nutritional profile and environmental and social impacts of its products.
Anyone who buys a two-finger Kit Kat chocolate bar in the UK and Ireland will be able to find out more about what it is made of, how it fits into a balanced diet and lifestyle, and how it was produced, just by scanning the packaging with a smartphone.
Kit Kat multipacks will carry a Quick Response (QR) code that will take consumers to digital sites where they can find more detailed information about the product than would normally be available on pack. Nestle plans to roll out the QR codes across its product portfolio in both emerging and developed markets to help people make more informed choices about what to purchase and consum.
“We hope that consumers. Wherever they are in the world will use QR codes to learn more about our products,” says Patrice Bula, Nestle’s head of strategic business units, markeing and sales. “We have a wealth of information about the nutritional value and the environmental and social impacts of what we produce, and it makes sense to share that with consumers.”